
Steven Wright

A Quantum Problem

via Quotes of the Day on 11/18/11

"Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect."

Posted via email from scottyr's posterous

Steven Wright

A Quantum Problem

via Quotes of the Day on 11/18/11

"Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect."

Posted via email from Seattle area live music

Douglas Adams

via Quotes of the Day on 11/24/11

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."

Posted via email from Seattle area live music

Douglas Adams

via Quotes of the Day on 11/24/11

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."

Posted via email from scottyr's posterous

Mark Twain

via Quotes of the Day on 11/29/11

"When a person cannot deceive himself the chances are against his being able to deceive other people."

Posted via email from Seattle area live music

Ogden Nash

Follow for more

via Quotes of the Day on 12/1/11

"I think that I shall never see / a billboard lovely as a tree. / Perhaps, unless the billboards fall, / I'll never see a tree at all."

Posted via email from Seattle area live music


: Family & Fate.. music mailing December 7th: Mark Holt @ Mad Dog BB-Q / Historic Downtown Lewiston, Idaho.. Saturday Night

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: darkhorse_pr <darkhorse@orofino-id.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 10:55 AM
Subject: Family & Fate.. music mailing December 7th: Mark Holt @ Mad Dog BB-Q / Historic Downtown Lewiston, Idaho.. Saturday Night
To: "**** Post@Scottyr. Posterous. Com" <post@scottyr.posterous.com>

Mark Holt @ Mad Dog Barbeque..

  • Historic Downtown…  Lewiston, Idaho
  • Saturday December 10th
  • 7:00 pm





Family & Fate..

     I’ve been trying to decide whether to even do a music mailing this week with respect to Pearl Harbor Day and the fact that most people this time of year are trying to figure out their own lives, family obligations, the holidays, etc.  I figured nobody really cares about a music date announcement.  I’ve obviously given into habit, history, emotion, my pen, whatever..  And gone with my gut…

     I went to pick up my daughter late last night at a local Assisted Living Complex; she is in the middle of her clinical rotation as she works towards her CNA License.  My Subaru read 19 degrees outside so I decided to go inside and wait in the lobby in front of a small, charming, fake, but convincingly warm fireplace.  As I waited for my daughter to finish her charting, the doors on auto-lock and the lights dimmed for the night, I randomly picked up a magazine that was dedicated to men and women of World War II and began to read.  I learned a lot about some brave folks I have never met and never will…

     My grandfather John Winge ran the small and customer friendly Winge’s Community Grocery in Anacortes, Washington the building still stands today and my grandparents are painted on the side of the building as part of Anacortes’s Historic Mural Tour. When I was a kid and would visit him at the store I remember him taking phone orders and I would get to go with my grandpa as he delivered groceries to his loyal clientele. When I was a teenager, my grandmother and her sister took a trip to Germany & parts of Europe. My grandmother, who had worked at her husband’s side in their grocery store most of her life, had never been out of town much at all. When I innocently asked my grandpa why aren’t you going with grandma to Europe on her trip, why are you staying home? I remember him answering abruptly and using a tone of voice I had never heard my grandpa use before.  I saw enough of Germany during the War and I have no desire to ever go back, I’ve seen it already, and I don’t need to see it again…

     I get my middle name from my dad’s father Thomas Holt.  My grandmother never talked about Tommy very often and I don’t know much about him.   My Dad would never even get a chance to meet him.

     Thomas Holt was killed the morning of December 7th, 1941 in the attacks on Pearl Harbor…

Mark Holt




Back from Seattle..

     I’ve returned from Seattle, Kim & I filmed some final footage for our upcoming Music Video & DVD.  We were atop the old Frederick & Nelson Department store freight warehouse across the street from Safeco Field. 

     This was a bit of Déjà Vu for me; I worked for Frederick & Nelson in the downtown Seattle store earlier in my youth and was in charge of keeping Frango’s fully stocked on all 8 floors.

     I also performed for the Seattle Mariners during a double header with the Oakland A’s for a Farmers Day, I had been discovered by the Mariners while performing at the State Future Farmers of America Convention at WSU in Pullman.  That was a few years back though…  It was then known as the Kingdome…


--- Mark Holt







Posted via email from Seattle area live music


Website up with videos

My dautghter and business manager, Marissa, has our website up and running and has posted 9 videos of different shows we've done.  Go to


to see the website.  In the lower right corner of the homepage is videos.  That will bring you to you tube and the postings that she has put up.

She has also put up our face book page.  Come "like" us to stay a breast of whats happening at Cassandra Music, for Acoustic Couti, and Uncle Phil.

Posted via email from Seattle area live music

full moon

I do not think Full Moons make a  person go crazy.

But the extra light gives people false security to go places they wouldn’t go normally.

Posted via email from Seattle area live music


The Great split

Quatum physics

energy vs partical
energy states + - N S
Partical states time speed location

energy pure from is that which exist's before the universe
most of our testing measure the impact of the energy state on the partical 
ths the act of seeing changes it's state.

where is the line between energy and mass??

trick question mass = condensed energy
energy is = condensed mass

Back Hole are points of conversion doing both

electron is mostly energy state not real mass

thus tanged partical are really tangle fields of being

Posted via email from Seattle area live music


The Wire'Twangers*

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The Wiretappers <wiretappers@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 5:58 PM
Subject: The Wire'Twangers*
To: The Wiretappers <wiretappers@gmail.com>

Come out for a night of honky-tonk musical fun next Friday, November 18th.  The Wiretappers will be turning the St. Cloud's stage over to The Wire'twangers for this show.  Mark gets to pull out the old guitar and sing all his favorite country songs backed up by Greg Glassman on bass, Ethan Lawton on mandolin and Bob Knetzger on pedal steel and dobro.  Jake's arm is healing up from carpal tunnel surgery but she'll be there singing a few.  Dave is on the beach somewhere in Thailand.  

The food and atmosphere at St. Cloud's are just right for a November evening...It's sure to be a memorable night of music and fun, so please join us.


Friday, November 18th 8-10+ pm
St. Cloud's
1129 34th Avenue  Seattle, WA 98122
(206) 726-1522


No cover, just a tip jar
Reservations are recommended.

Hope to see you soon,

Mark and Jake

The Wire'twangers


Posted via email from Seattle area live music








OF 14,000,000,000 YEATS OLD  THUS 



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CD/Book Release Party

Students, Family and Friends;

Uncle Phil Hansen has just completed his fourth studio album (Rasberries Rollin’) and his sixth instructional book (Flatpicking Solos).  In celebration his daughter and manager, Marissa Woerner, has teamed with Enumclaw Music to host a CD/Book release party for him on Friday, December 2nd from 6-9 PM at the Enumclaw Music Store located at 1515 Cole Street in Enumclaw.   The no cover event will include refreshments, and door prizes along with a 2 set performance by Uncle Phil along with his performance group Acoustic Couti.  There will be ample time to smooze, meet with the band (Uncle Phil, Bret Holtz, Jeff Griffiths), as well as to meet and greet other students, supporters, and family.  If all goes well you may even get to meet Uncle Phil’s parents which is always an adventure.

We truly hope that you can attend so put it on your calendar:

December 2nd 2011 6-9 PM
Enumclaw Music 1515 Cole Street
Enumclaw, Washington.

Cassandra Music (360-825-5363)
Enumclaw Music (360-825-1191)

Posted via email from Seattle area live music


Dark Matter

Could it be just fractional pressure of space??

Posted via email from scottyr's posterous


Madrona, Limerick, Lake Forest Park, Madrona with the Wiretappers

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: The Wiretappers <wiretappers@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 9:46 PM
Subject: Madrona, Limerick, Lake Forest Park, Madrona with the Wiretappers
To: The Wiretappers <wiretappers@gmail.com>

Hey Friends, 

Will we see you this Friday the 16th at St. Clouds?   8-10pm in the bar (followed by the unplugged set) - Greg Maas on dobro joins Mark, Jake and Dave.  You'll love this juicy joint - the food is divine.  You'll help make the spirit. 
1129 34th Avenue - Madrona 

If not, can you come to Clancy's Pub in Bruff Co. Limerick on Friday the 30th at 10?  YES! We're playing at the Bruff Bluegrass Festival with Larry Chung on Banjo.

OK, then, if Ireland's not in your immediate future, come to Lake Forest Park  Third Place Commons on Friday Oct. 14th at 7:30 pm - Hoping our fiddle friend Barb Collins will be joining us.  Large space for kicking up your heels.  

We'll be back to St. Clouds on the 3rd Friday in October, the 21st. 

Sure would love to see you, you know that. 

Harmoniously Yours, 

Jake, Dave, Mark
and Greg and Barb and who knows who
The Wiretappers 
We hear you

Posted via email from Seattle area live music

Posterous Spaces A Video

Posterous Spaces A Video


Scott Ritchie wants to share their location with you on Google Latitude

Scott Ritchie (sdritchie71@gmail.com) wants to share their location with you on Google Latitude. You too can see where your friends are and share your location using Latitude from your phone, computer, or both.

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  1. Create a new Gmail account at https://mail.google.com/mail/signup or create a Google Account for your existing email address at https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount
  2. Start using Latitude! Go to https://www.google.com/latitude from your phone or computer.
  3. Sign in with your Google Account and add Scott Ritchie (sdritchie71@gmail.com) as a friend.

(c) 2011 Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Terms of Service | Privacy Policy

Posted via email from scottyr's posterous

Scott Ritchie wants to share their location with you on Google Latitude

Scott Ritchie (sdritchie71@gmail.com) wants to share their location with you on Google Latitude. You too can see where your friends are and share your location using Latitude from your phone, computer, or both.

Aww snap. You don't have a Google Account.

To use Google Latitude, you'll need to sign in with a Google Account. If you don't have one, use the following steps:

  1. Create a new Gmail account at https://mail.google.com/mail/signup or create a Google Account for your existing email address at https://www.google.com/accounts/NewAccount
  2. Start using Latitude! Go to https://www.google.com/latitude from your phone or computer.
  3. Sign in with your Google Account and add Scott Ritchie (sdritchie71@gmail.com) as a friend.

(c) 2011 Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Terms of Service | Privacy Policy

Posted via email from scottyr's posterous


[rodmacg] last reminder: OR/WA concerts

hi folks
i'm on my way to the Pacific NW for some concerts, i hope to see you....here are the dates:

Th 9/8 Backyard House Concert in Kirkland, WA
6:30 pm contact: backyardhc@gmail.com

F 9/9 Caffe Mela, 17 North Wenatchee Ave., Wenatchee, WA
7 pm 509-888-0374  www.caffemela.com

M 9/12 Siuslaw Public Library, 1460 9th Street, Florence, OR
7 pm 541-997-2997

Th 9/15 House Concert, Hood River, OR
7 pm contact: paul@speedfish.com

F 9/16 The Horse Radish, 211 W Main St., Carlton, OR
7 pm 503-852-6656 www.thehorseradish.com

Sa 9/17 Tabor Space, 5441 SE Belmont St., Portland, OR
7 pm 503-238-3904 http://taborspace.org
this is Maria Everhart's 50th Birthday party, but is open to the public.

Su 9/18 House Concert, Yakima, WA
2 pm 509-833-8200 email: meyermihm@yahoo.com

cds still $10 at the live shows...cheers,

rod macdonald

to be removed, please reply to this address. ---
This list sponsored by Rod MacDonald
You are currently subscribed to rodmacg as: sdritchie71@gmail.com

Posted via email from Seattle area live music

SEATTLE: Clatter & Din sign on to produce new mark&kimberlee Music Video

*** Seattle’s Clatter & Din sign on to produce new Mark & Kimberlee music video..

Clatter & Din, Seattle’s hippest purveyors of broadcast and new media have signed on to produce the newest music video for siblings:  Mark Holt & Kimberlee Holt Tully..


** Studio/DVD/Stuff:

Siblings:  Mark Holt & Kimberlee Holt Tully  were joined by some old friends at  Empty Sea Studio’s in Seattle  this past month as they recorded a brand new song, to be featured in their upcoming DVD/Documentary.

Mark & Kimberlee  were joined by Orville Johnson,  a veteran of television, video and movie soundtracks.  Tab Tabscott,  one of the most accomplished, entertaining, and unpredictable resophonic guitar players on the planet & Dave Bjur,  longtime member of the University of Idaho’s School of Music Faculty Jazz Ensemble.



* Television Stuff:

Mark Holt  films television commercial with western Washington’s Capital G Media

Mark Holt, along with his Gibson Mastertone 5-string banjo filmed a new television commercial this past month in north western Washington State for Capital G Media  &  Big John’s Rib House.





* Mark Holt @ Big John’s Rib House  in Clarkston, Washington

Thursdays’  in  September,  6:00pm




Taste Washington Wines  with  Mark Holt


·       @ Dayton Wine Works music on the patio in Dayton, Washington.

·       Friday September 16th,   7:00pm


·       @ Mace Mead Works tasting room in Dayton, Washington

·       Saturday October 8th,  7:00pm




·       Mark Holt has joined with Empty Sea Studios’ Seattle.

·       Exciting announcements ahead regarding Mark & Kimberlee’s DVD/Documentary produced by Mercury Media Productions.

·       Clatter & Din..  Seattle’s hippest purveyors of broadcast & new media have signed on to produce Mark & Kimberlee’s newest music video.




Mark Holt is such a ubiquitous presence on the Central Washington music scene that it’s sometimes easy to take him for granted…  But if you haven’t seen him before, you might want to give it a try.  Though he looks like he could be your insurance agent, Holt sings with abandon…

          --- Yakima Herald Republic




* Thursday September 8thMark Holt @ Big John’s Rib House  in Clarkston, Washington.  6:00pm

* Thursday September 15thMark Holt @ Big John’s Rib House  in Clarkston, Washington.  6:00pm

* Friday September 16thMark Holt @ Dayton Wine Works  music on the patio in Dayton, Washington.  7:00pm

* Thursday September 22ndMark Holt @ Big John’s Rib House  in Clarkston, Washington.  6:00pm

* Thursday September 29thMark Holt @ Big John’s Rib House  in Clarkston, Washington.  6:00pm

* Saturday October 8thMark Holt @ Mace Mead Works  Tasting Room  in Dayton, Washington.  7:00pm

* Friday October 21stMark Holt @ Café’ Sage  in Lewiston, Idaho.  7:00pm




     Mark Holt was born in Seattle, Washington and grew up on the Yakama Indian Reservation, spending his musical life keeping both feet in multiple genre’s of music, partly out of necessity, and partly out of his love and respect for all types of music. 

     Mark has been a featured showcase artist for the International Bluegrass Music Association, the Academy of Western Artist’s, has performed at Seattle’s legendary waterfront Highway 99 Blues Club, has filmed various television commercials, and numerous guest appearances on TV including a performance on SCAN-TV “Blues to Do” Television.

     Mark has been featured in the pages of Country Weekly, the inside stories on country music’s hottest stars.  Also: Bluegrass Canada Magazine, Bluegrass Unlimited Magazine, Mandalay Bay Casino Resort’s Guide & American Cowboy the popular western lifestyle magazine. 

     Mark’s Acoustically Native Nashville Sessions were produced by multi-Grammy winning Bil VornDick with an all-star cast of bluegrass pickers. 

     Mark is an advisory council member board of director for the Roots Music Association also a founding board member and past president of the Washington Bluegrass Association.

     Mark has traveled too Las Vegas, Nevada twice too perform for the National Western Art Show & Sale, held during the Wrangler PRCA National Finals Rodeo.

     Mark has opened shows for  Bill Monroe & the Bluegrass Boys,  Tammy Wynette,  Ricky Skaggs,  B.J. Thomas,  Rhonda Vincent,  Michael Doucet w/BeauSoleil,  Wylie & the Wild West,  Janie Fricke, the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band  &  Hal Ketchum.







photo of Mark Holt by:  Sara Gettys

location:  Campbell Family Orchards.  Tieton, Washington

special thanks to:  Subaru of America


photo of Mark & Kimberlee  by:  Sara Gettys

location:  Campbell Family Orchards.  Tieton, Washington

special thanks to:  Subaru of America




Posted via email from Seattle area live music


[rodmacg] Rod MacDonald in OR,WA

hi everybody
lots of news...september tour in OR and WA State (dates below), and also two new cds:
that's right, two new cds, Songs Of Freedom ("sixteen songs that inform, question, challenge and celebrate community as well as the personal….there are stacks of rich pickings on SONGS OF FREEDOM.…." Maverick Magazine August 2011) and Big Brass Bed/Dylan Jam + 2, a band of Dylan covers and two originals with my south Florida rock and roll band. Both are available at amazon, cdbaby, and other sites, both as a cd and as downloads; or (cheapest method) go to www.rodmacdonald.net/cdbaby.html for credit cards; by check ($10 each plus $5 per order S & H) from Rod MacDonald, Box 3844, Boynton Beach, FL 33424.
     The best way to hear the music is live, natch, so here are the upcoming concerts...if nothing's close by, have a show of your own, there are a handful of dates still open....cds are $10 at concerts.

Th 9/8 Backyard House Concert in Kirkland, WA
6:30 pm contact: backyardhc@gmail.com

F 9/9 Caffe Mela, 17 North Wenatchee Ave., Wenatchee, WA
7 pm 509-888-0374  www.caffemela.com

M 9/12 Siuslaw Public Library, 1460 9th Street, Florence, OR
7 pm 541-997-2997

Th 9/15 House Concert, Hood River, OR
7 pm contact: paul@speedfish.com

F 9/16 The Horse Radish, 211 W Main St., Carlton, OR
7 pm 503-852-6656 www.thehorseradish.com

Sa 9/17 Tabor Space, 5441 SE Belmont St., Portland, OR
7 pm 503-238-3904 http://taborspace.org
this is Maria Everhart's 50th Birthday party, but is open to the public.

Su 9/18 House Concert, Yakima, WA
2 pm 509-833-8200 email: meyermihm@yahoo.com

see you next month!
Rod MacDonald

To be removed, please reply to this address.

This list sponsored by Rod MacDonald
You are currently subscribed to rodmacg as: sdritchie71@gmail.com

Posted via email from Seattle area live music


Mark & Kimberlee Holt DVD/Documentary

On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 1:29 PM, darkhorse_pr <darkhorse@orofino-id.com> wrote:

** Studio/DVD/Stuff:

Siblings:  Mark Holt & Kimberlee Holt Tully  were joined by some old friends at  Empty Sea Studio’s in Seattle  this past month as they recorded a brand new song, to be featured in their upcoming DVD/Documentary.

Mark & Kimberlee  were joined by Orville Johnson,  a veteran of television, video and movie soundtracks.  Tab Tabscott,  one of the most accomplished, entertaining, and unpredictable resophonic guitar players on the planet & Dave Bjur,  longtime member of the University of Idah’s School of Music Faculty Jazz Ensemble.



* Television Stuff:

Mark Holt  films television commercial with western Washington’s Capital G Media

Mark Holt, along with his Gibson Mastertone 5-string banjo filmed a new television commercial this past week in north western Washington State for Capital G Media  &  Big John’s Rib House.





* Mark Holt @ Big John’s Rib House  in Clarkston, Washington

Thursdays’  in  August & September,  6:00pm




·       Mark Holt has joined with Empty Sea Studios’ Seattle.

·       Exciting announcements ahead regarding Mark & Kimberlee’s DVD/Documentary produced by Mercury Media Productions.

·       Clatter & Din..  Seattle’s hippest purveyors of broadcast and new media sign on to produce Mark & Kimberlee’s new Music Video..




Mark Holt is such a ubiquitous presence on the Central Washington music scene that it’s sometimes easy to take him for granted…  But if you haven’t seen him before, you might want to give it a try.  Though he looks like he could be your insurance agent, Holt sings with abandon…

          --- Yakima Herald Republic




* Thursday August 25thMark Holt @ Big John’s Rib House  in Clarkston, Washington.  6:00pm

* Thursday September 1stMark Holt @ Big John’s Rib House  in Clarkston, Washington.  6:00pm

* Thursday September 8thMark Holt @ Big John’s Rib House  in Clarkston, Washington.  6:00pm

* Thursday September 15thMark Holt @ Big John’s Rib House  in Clarkston, Washington.  6:00pm

* Thursday September 22ndMark Holt @ Big John’s Rib House  in Clarkston, Washington.  6:00pm

* Thursday September 29thMark Holt @ Big John’s Rib House  in Clarkston, Washington.  6:00pm

* Friday October 21stMark Holt @ Café’ Sage  in Lewiston, Idaho.  7:00pm




     Mark Holt was born in Seattle, Washington and grew up on the Yakama Indian Reservation, spending his musical life keeping both feet in multiple genre’s of music, partly out of necessity, and partly out of his love and respect for all types of music. 

     Mark has been a featured showcase artist for the International Bluegrass Music Association, the Academy of Western Artist’s, has performed at Seattle’s legendary waterfront Highway 99 Blues Club, has filmed various television commercials, and numerous guest appearances on TV including a performance on SCAN-TV “Blues to Do” Television.

     Mark has been featured in the pages of Country Weekly, the inside stories on country music’s hottest stars.  Also: Bluegrass Canada Magazine, Bluegrass Unlimited Magazine, Mandalay Bay Casino Resort’s Guide & American Cowboy the popular western lifestyle magazine. 

     Mark’s Acoustically Native Nashville Sessions were produced by multi-Grammy winning Bil VornDick with an all-star cast of bluegrass pickers. 

     Mark is an advisory council member board of director for the Roots Music Association also a founding board member and past president of the Washington Bluegrass Association.

     Mark has traveled too Las Vegas, Nevada twice too perform for the National Western Art Show & Sale, held during the Wrangler PRCA National Finals Rodeo.

     Mark has opened shows for  Bill Monroe & the Bluegrass Boys,  Tammy Wynette,  Ricky Skaggs,  B.J. Thomas,  Rhonda Vincent,  Michael Doucet w/BeauSoleil,  Wylie & the Wild West,  Janie Fricke, the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band  &  Hal Ketchum.







photo of Mark Holt by:  Sara Gettys

location:  Gilbert Cellars Winery.  Yakima, Washington

special thanks to:  Subaru of America


photo of Mark & Kimberlee  by:  Sara Gettys

location:  Yakima Train Depot.  Yakima, Washington

special thanks to:  Subaru of America




Posted via email from Seattle area live music


F Lady Danville Tour with Guster and Jack's Mannequin + Sunset Junction


::lady danville tour with guster and jack's mannequin::


We are thrilled to join Guster and Jack's Mannequin on their co-headlining summer tour. Guster has been a musical inspiration for us for years, and combining that with our amazing experience on the road with Jack's Mannequin earlier this summer, we can confidently say that touring with both of these bands is going to be a dream come true.

Check out the dates and cities below (*Note cities that are only JM and LD).  For those of you more comfortable on the f-book, you can click HERE to check out the official event.

Also, we'll be hitting the road again in October and November for a West Coast Fall Tour with Jack's Mannequin and The Academy Is! Dates and ticket links below.

guster, jack's mannequin, lady danville

August 15 / Vienna, VA / The Filene Center
August 17 / North Myrtle Beach, SC / House of Blues
August 19 / Charlotte, NC / Time Warner Cable Uptown
August 20 / Mount Pleasant, SC / Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum
August 21 / Ft. Lauderdale, FL / Revolution
August 23 / Tampa, FL / The Ritz Ybor
August 24 / Atlanta, GA / Chastain Park Amphitheater
August 25 / Knoxville, TN / Bijou Theatre*
August 26 / Memphis, TN / New Daisy Theatre*
August 29 / Indianapolis, IN / The Lawn At White River State Park
August 30 / Detroit, MI / The Fillmore Detroit
August 31 / Grand Rapids, MI / Meijer Gardens Ampitheatre
September 2 / Louisville, KY / Headliners Music Hall*
September 4 / Columbus, OH / LC Pavilion

Jack’s Mannequin, The Academy Is, and Lady Danville

October 21 / Houston, TX / House of Blues
October 22 / Dallas, TX / Palladium Ballroom
October 24 / Denver, CO / Ogden Theatre
October 25 / Salt Lake City, UT / In The Venue
October 26 / Boise, ID / Knitting Factory
October 28 / Portland, OR / Roseland Theater
October 29 / Seattle, WA / The Showbox SODO
October 30 / Vancouver, BC / Vogue Theater
November 1 / Edmonton, AB / Edmonton Event Centre
November 2 / Calgary, AB / MacEwan Ballroom
November 4 / Missoula, MT / Wilma Theatre
November 5 / Spokane, WA / Knitting Factory
November 7 / San Francisco / Regency Ballroom
November 8 / San Luis Obispo, CA / The Graduate
November 9 / Las Vegas, NV / House of Blues
November 12 / Pomona, CA / The Fox Theatre

::lady danville playing sunset junction::

For all you los angelinos (or for all you non los angelinos who feel like taking an end of summer hurrah road-trip to LA), lady danville will be playing the sunset junction festival in silverlake on 8/28 @ the edgecliffe stage (3:50pm - 4:40pm). We are flying home from Memphis just for the festival and then flying back out on a red-eye to Indianapolis that night to finish up the Guster and Jack's Mannequin tour, so come hang out with us while we’re home for a day.

::K.I.T. w/ lady danville::

© lady danville

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1538 20th Street, Santa Monica CA 90404

Posted via email from Seattle area live music


St. Clouds with The Wiretappers

Come out to St. Cloud's on Friday, August 19th and enjoy a prime
Seattle summer evening with The Wiretappers.  Scott and Mark (no Jake
or Dave) will be joined by special guest fiddler/vocalist Barb Collins
and will feature some of our old favorites, along with some
never-before-heard material you're sure to enjoy.  Bring the family
out for the usual outstanding fare in the restaurant or patio, or join
us in the lounge.  We'll be taking the stage from 8-10pm and then
playing acoustic afterwards for as long as somebody is around to
listen.  No cover/tip jar as always; reservations are recommended.

We're at St. Cloud's the third Friday of every month; Jake and Dave
will be back for September 16th, and October 21st will feature all the
new songs and hot licks we'll bring back from our late September tour
of Ireland.  Hope we get to see you sometime soon.

The Wiretappers

St. Cloud's in the Madrona neighborhood
1131 34th


Posted via email from Seattle area live music


Mark & Kimberlee Holt record brand new song with old friends in Seattle for upcoming DVD/Documentary

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: darkhorse_pr <darkhorse@orofino-id.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 10:11 AM
Subject: Mark & Kimberlee Holt record brand new song with old friends in Seattle for upcoming DVD/Documentary
To: "SVellen@sunvalleyevents. com" <ellen@sunvalleyevents.com>
Cc: "SVdave@sunvalleyonline. com" <dave@sunvalleyonline.com>

*** Studio/DVD/Stuff:

Siblings:  Mark Holt & Kimberlee Holt Tully  were joined by some old friends at  Empty Sea Studio’s in Seattle  this past week as they recorded a brand new song, to be featured in their upcoming DVD/Documentary.

Mark & Kimberlee  were joined by Orville Johnson,  a veteran of television, video and movie soundtracks.  Tab Tabscott,  one of the most accomplished, entertaining, and unpredictable resophonic guitar players on the planet & Dave Bjur,  longtime member of the University of Idaho’s School of Music Faculty Jazz Ensemble.



** Television Stuff:

Mark Holt  films television commercial with western Washington’s Capital G Media

Mark Holt, along with his Gibson Mastertone 5-string banjo filmed a new television commercial this past week in north western Washington State for Capital G Media  &  Big John’s Rib House.





* Mark Holt @ Big John’s Rib House  in Clarkston, Washington

Thursdays’  in  August,  6:00pm




·       Mark Holt has joined with Empty Sea Studios’ Seattle.

·       Exciting announcements ahead regarding Mark & Kimberlee’s DVD/Documentary produced by Mercury Media Productions.

·       Airport’s, Hotel’s & All–Wheel Drive.  37 years of making music.  a documentary.




Mark Holt is such a ubiquitous presence on the Central Washington music scene that it’s sometimes easy to take him for granted…  But if you haven’t seen him before, you might want to give it a try.  Though he looks like he could be your insurance agent, Holt sings with abandon…

          --- Yakima Herald Republic




* Thursday August 11thMark Holt @ Big John’s Rib House  in Clarkston, Washington.  6:00pm

* Thursday August 18th:   Mark Holt @ Big John’s Rib House  in Clarkston, Washington.  6:00pm

* Thursday August 25thMark Holt @ Big John’s Rib House  in Clarkston, Washington.  6:00pm



     Mark Holt was born in Seattle, Washington and grew up on the Yakama Indian Reservation, spending his musical life keeping both feet in multiple genre’s of music, partly out of necessity, and partly out of his love and respect for all types of music. 

     Mark has been a featured showcase artist for the International Bluegrass Music Association, the Academy of Western Artist’s, has performed at Seattle’s legendary waterfront Highway 99 Blues Club, has filmed various television commercials, and numerous guest appearances on TV including a performance on SCAN-TV “Blues to Do” Television.

     Mark has been featured in the pages of Country Weekly, the inside stories on country music’s hottest stars.  Also: Bluegrass Canada Magazine, Bluegrass Unlimited Magazine, Mandalay Bay Casino Resort’s Guide & American Cowboy the popular western lifestyle magazine. 

     Mark’s Acoustically Native Nashville Sessions were produced by multi-Grammy winning Bil VornDick with an all-star cast of bluegrass pickers. 

     Mark is an advisory council member board of director for the Roots Music Association also a founding board member and past president of the Washington Bluegrass Association.

     Mark has traveled too Las Vegas, Nevada twice too perform for the National Western Art Show & Sale, held during the Wrangler PRCA National Finals Rodeo.

     Mark has opened shows for  Bill Monroe & the Bluegrass Boys,  Tammy Wynette,  Ricky Skaggs,  B.J. Thomas,  Rhonda Vincent,  Michael Doucet w/BeauSoleil,  Wylie & the Wild West,  Janie Fricke, the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band  &  Hal Ketchum.







photo of Mark Holt by:  Sara Gettys

location:  Gilbert Cellars Winery.  Yakima, Washington

special thanks to:  Subaru of America


photo of Mark & Kimberlee  by:  Sara Gettys

location:  Yakima Train Depot.  Yakima, Washington

special thanks to:  Subaru of America




Posted via email from Seattle area live music


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