
Marc Smason

Marc Smason www.marcsmason.com

Friday July 25 4 – 6 pm Abby Van Spronsen – flute/vox Shena Van Spronsen – vox Michael Barnett – bass *Phinney Ridge Farmer’s Market Phinney Neighborhood Center 67th & Phinney N. http://www.seattlefarmersmarkets.org/markets/phinney

every Monday 8:30 pm 7/21 Tom McElroy – guitar Michael Barnett - bass *Ugly Mug 11425 Rainier S. – N. Renton 206 772-3751 Great coffee & food!
Thursday July 31 8:30 pm Alfonse Somebody & the Jr. Detectives Beacon Pub 3057 Beacon S. 206 726-0238 the Hang in the Hood!

* all ages no cover unless noted removal upon request, of course. our CD, a better world, is available - Hit reply or www.cdbaby.com or call 206 760-1764 Make art, not war “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman


JoFEST Leavenworth

New website and domain! http://www.jofest.org JoFest '08 Lineup17 Queens (Acoustic)Off the Grid (New World)Shiftless Layabout (Funk)Bullitt County (Country, Rock)Guns of Nevada (punk, southern rock)Saturday, July 26th, 2008Music begins at 5:00 PM$12.00 pays for music and camping! If you bring two cans of food for the Leavenworth food bank you pay only 10.00!Click here for directions/maps.Jofest is an annual concert/campout just outside beautiful Leavenworth, Wa. Jofest is the brainchild of Joe Folden and is held on his sprawling property in Peshastin, Wa. Bands playing this year will include Guns of Nevada, Bullitt County, Shiftless Layabout, Off the Grid and 17 Queens. This year will mark the the sixth year of Jofest's existence. In past years, Jofest has been held for charities such as The Special Olympics, a fundraiser to buy calling cards for our troops overseas and various other causes. This year will be a benefit for the Wounded Warrior Project. All are welcome to come out and camp and enjoy the music! Jofest is a family-friendly festival so feel free to bring the kids. We hope to see a great turnout for this great cause we're supporting this year! For more info on this year's cause go to: http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org
Who I'd like to meet:Everyone that wants to have fun and support a good cause.
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Pete Seeger For President Arlo Guthrie as VP


supported by Tim Stodard for Washington Senate Districct 40


Jacob Carver his Anniversay

jake at his best

Skate Boarding ii

good music

//arc Snason

Marc Smason www.marcsmason.com

Thursday July 17 8 pm w/ Joanne Klein Victor Noriega Michael Barnett *Castle Key at Manresa Castle 7th & Sheridan – Pt. Townsend 360 379-1990 ht tp://www.manresacastle.com/jazzevents.html $5

every Monday 8:30 pm 7/21 Lee Cronbach – keys and L.A. percussionist, Mel Wiggins join diva Joanne Klein while I’m in S.F. *Ugly Mug 11425 Rainier S. – N. Renton 206 772-3751 Great coffee & food!

Friday July 25 4 – 6 pm w/ Abby Van Spronsen – flute/vox Michael Barnett – bass *Phinney Ridge Farmer’s Market Phinney Neighborhood Center 67th & Phinney N. http://www.seattlefarmersmarkets.org/markets/phinney

Thursday July 31 8:30 pm Alfonse Somebody & the Jr. Detectives Beacon Pub 3057 Beacon S. 206 726-0238 the Hang in the Hood!

* all ages no cover unless noted removal upon request, of course. our CD, a better world, is available - Hit reply or www.cdbaby.com or call 206 760-1764 Make art, not war “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman





4th plurk

plurkers must watch

Declan Galbraith - Danny Boy (younger)

yong kid taking on the clasicc


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