
Steven Wright

A Quantum Problem

via Quotes of the Day on 11/18/11

"Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect."

Posted via email from scottyr's posterous

Steven Wright

A Quantum Problem

via Quotes of the Day on 11/18/11

"Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect."

Posted via email from Seattle area live music

Douglas Adams

via Quotes of the Day on 11/24/11

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."

Posted via email from Seattle area live music

Douglas Adams

via Quotes of the Day on 11/24/11

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."

Posted via email from scottyr's posterous

Mark Twain

via Quotes of the Day on 11/29/11

"When a person cannot deceive himself the chances are against his being able to deceive other people."

Posted via email from Seattle area live music

Ogden Nash

Follow for more

via Quotes of the Day on 12/1/11

"I think that I shall never see / a billboard lovely as a tree. / Perhaps, unless the billboards fall, / I'll never see a tree at all."

Posted via email from Seattle area live music


: Family & Fate.. music mailing December 7th: Mark Holt @ Mad Dog BB-Q / Historic Downtown Lewiston, Idaho.. Saturday Night

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: darkhorse_pr <darkhorse@orofino-id.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 10:55 AM
Subject: Family & Fate.. music mailing December 7th: Mark Holt @ Mad Dog BB-Q / Historic Downtown Lewiston, Idaho.. Saturday Night
To: "**** Post@Scottyr. Posterous. Com" <post@scottyr.posterous.com>

Mark Holt @ Mad Dog Barbeque..

  • Historic Downtown…  Lewiston, Idaho
  • Saturday December 10th
  • 7:00 pm





Family & Fate..

     I’ve been trying to decide whether to even do a music mailing this week with respect to Pearl Harbor Day and the fact that most people this time of year are trying to figure out their own lives, family obligations, the holidays, etc.  I figured nobody really cares about a music date announcement.  I’ve obviously given into habit, history, emotion, my pen, whatever..  And gone with my gut…

     I went to pick up my daughter late last night at a local Assisted Living Complex; she is in the middle of her clinical rotation as she works towards her CNA License.  My Subaru read 19 degrees outside so I decided to go inside and wait in the lobby in front of a small, charming, fake, but convincingly warm fireplace.  As I waited for my daughter to finish her charting, the doors on auto-lock and the lights dimmed for the night, I randomly picked up a magazine that was dedicated to men and women of World War II and began to read.  I learned a lot about some brave folks I have never met and never will…

     My grandfather John Winge ran the small and customer friendly Winge’s Community Grocery in Anacortes, Washington the building still stands today and my grandparents are painted on the side of the building as part of Anacortes’s Historic Mural Tour. When I was a kid and would visit him at the store I remember him taking phone orders and I would get to go with my grandpa as he delivered groceries to his loyal clientele. When I was a teenager, my grandmother and her sister took a trip to Germany & parts of Europe. My grandmother, who had worked at her husband’s side in their grocery store most of her life, had never been out of town much at all. When I innocently asked my grandpa why aren’t you going with grandma to Europe on her trip, why are you staying home? I remember him answering abruptly and using a tone of voice I had never heard my grandpa use before.  I saw enough of Germany during the War and I have no desire to ever go back, I’ve seen it already, and I don’t need to see it again…

     I get my middle name from my dad’s father Thomas Holt.  My grandmother never talked about Tommy very often and I don’t know much about him.   My Dad would never even get a chance to meet him.

     Thomas Holt was killed the morning of December 7th, 1941 in the attacks on Pearl Harbor…

Mark Holt




Back from Seattle..

     I’ve returned from Seattle, Kim & I filmed some final footage for our upcoming Music Video & DVD.  We were atop the old Frederick & Nelson Department store freight warehouse across the street from Safeco Field. 

     This was a bit of Déjà Vu for me; I worked for Frederick & Nelson in the downtown Seattle store earlier in my youth and was in charge of keeping Frango’s fully stocked on all 8 floors.

     I also performed for the Seattle Mariners during a double header with the Oakland A’s for a Farmers Day, I had been discovered by the Mariners while performing at the State Future Farmers of America Convention at WSU in Pullman.  That was a few years back though…  It was then known as the Kingdome…


--- Mark Holt







Posted via email from Seattle area live music


Website up with videos

My dautghter and business manager, Marissa, has our website up and running and has posted 9 videos of different shows we've done.  Go to


to see the website.  In the lower right corner of the homepage is videos.  That will bring you to you tube and the postings that she has put up.

She has also put up our face book page.  Come "like" us to stay a breast of whats happening at Cassandra Music, for Acoustic Couti, and Uncle Phil.

Posted via email from Seattle area live music

full moon

I do not think Full Moons make a  person go crazy.

But the extra light gives people false security to go places they wouldn’t go normally.

Posted via email from Seattle area live music


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